Finnish Mixer
Pronounced: RAHN-kahn-kah-lee-uh (the R is slightly rolled)
Formation: Double Circle Formation; partners with inside hands joined about shoulder height, elbows bent, outside hands on hips, all facing LOD.
Background: "Rankankalia" is a song game from the Finnish-speaking Finns (as differentiated from the Swedish-speaking Finns). The words to the song say "Goodbye my old darling," then partners change. As partners change a second time the words are "Goodbye my new darling." We learned this charmĀing dance from a native Finn in our dance group, Maija Maki-Laurila. (The dance group referred to is at Folklore Village.)
A1 1 All take 3 steps forward starting on outside foot (3 counts). Close inside foot to outside, no weight (count 4).
2 Starting on inside foot back up 3 steps (3 counts) and close outside foot to inside, no weight (count 4), turning to greet partner.
A2 1-2 Repeat Al. End facing partner with weight on both feet and both hands on hips.
B1 1 M bow and W curtsey to partner (2 counts), then clap 3 times (clap-clap-clap-pause) (2 counts).
2 Repeat bowing and clapping.
3-4 Face the person diagonally L, join both hands and turn once around CW. End facing this person.
B2 1-4 Repeat B1 taking this last person as new partner to begin dance again.
Musicians on Rankankalia:
Mac Robertson - guitar,
Alison Bush - flute,
Bob Wernerehl - bass,
Becky Wernerehl - fiddle,
Douglas Clark - accordion,
Doug Code - clarinet.